Boot it
December 23, 2015
Think Spring
January 3, 2016I know this is the wrong time to play with crafty things – at this stage I should be finishing last minute shopping or planning meals but somehow I got waylaid … I found the best sweatshirts in Sainsburys! I bought two for £8 (one for me, one for my daughter) dark green, great quality…oh yes they were from the school department but who would know (apart from you as I’ve told you!) I actually fitted snugly into an age 12 (they had run out of the larger size in my store), but I wanted a shorter top to go with my plaid skirt to show off the waist. Some colours go up to an age 15/16, perfect for a medium size fit.
I wanted a top with a saying, not crude, racy or funny, but uplifting, so this is the perfect top to experiment. Bella Freud works the trend.

Bella‘s words
This is my creation and how I made it, starting at Sainsburys.

Sainsbury’s two sweatshirts, £8!
Stem stitch the words – I found these explanations easy to pick an embroidery stitch.
I have definitely got the bug and want to write more in thread – cushions next I feel !
Happy Christmas, looking forward to a new year.
Kirstie x
Dear Kirstie
I remember you, your sunny disposition, but above all your lovely smile!
I think it’s wonderful, inspiring, informative and very creative. Congratulations. I will love to see learn more! All, best – Imogen
Lovely to hear from you Imogen, and glad you are enjoying the new blog. Lots more to come. All the best.